The rise of plant lighting has entered the world's top high-tech farms

PlantLab is built indoors, using LED lights instead of sunlight to illuminate plants, and irrigation water is 90% less than traditional outdoor farms. The farm uses a remotely uploaded formula to control the growth of each crop, precisely controlling the surrounding environment such as temperature, humidity, and irrigation to ensure a sustainable and reliable planting process. Located in the Netherlands, this high-tech farm was established in 2010 and covers an area of ​​200,000 square feet (18,500 square meters).

Green Spirit Farms takes advantage of the interior of the dilapidated, idling building to create such a high-tech vertical farm. The farm uses a hydroponic cultivation system and LED lighting modules, a variety of vegetable crops, and is eventually sold to the farmer's local farmers' market in Michigan.

Sharp Strawberry Planting Laboratory

When you hear Sharp, you will think of consumer electronics such as TV and mobile phones for the first time. In fact, this Japanese electronics giant began to "sneak up" into the high-tech planting industry last year. Japanese strawberry has a long history, but on the one hand, the price is high, and on the other hand, it is not conducive to transportation. Therefore, Sharp set up a strawberry plantation laboratory in Dubai last year to plant strawberries in an indoor environment. It is said that Sharp uses his own LED technology and other equipment in the laboratory to increase the yield of strawberries. Sharp also plans to officially open a plantation plant in Dubai.

Fujitsu Numazu Plantation

Japanese electrical appliance manufacturers have moved their factories to China, and some factories abandoned in Japan have turned them into high-tech farms. Fujitsu has established such a plantation in Numazu for the cultivation of low-potassium lettuce for people with kidney infections. Special management software based on cloud services can increase the yield of these crops. The Japanese government has reportedly contributed to the transformation of these factories into high-tech farms, and hopes to be part of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant crisis reconstruction effort.

Farmed Here is an indoor vertical farm in Chicago. Complex farming techniques are used on the farm, 97% of the irrigation water will be reused, and no herbicides or pesticides will be used on the farm. The vertical farm also uses a number of emerging technologies, such as LED lights and local distribution layouts to reduce energy consumption and increase crop yields. The crops grown here include arugula, basil, mint and the like.

This is a vertical farm in Vaspaliso, Indiana, that uses compound farming techniques to grow crops and sell them to the Chicago area. The farm uses an open source model that can be leveraged in other regions. The farm also has its own farmer's market where consumers can source all year's ingredients.

Located in Dublin, Virginia, it covers an area of ​​about 20,000 acres and uses a nutrient solution and LED light to grow tomatoes in a huge greenhouse. Red Sun Farms is a Mexican company and the first high-tech farm they established in the United States. In July of this year, about 60,000 tomato seedlings were planted on this farm.

Gas culture plantation

The aerobic plantation is located in a rotunda at Chicago O'Hara Airport and is the world's first indoor airport plantation. The plantation was established in 2011 with 1,100 planting sites in 26 towers, and some restaurants in the airport terminal are the ingredients sourced from this farm. Travellers who come and go can also visit and rest in the plantation.

Panasonic High Tech Farm

Panasonic has also established a high-tech farm in an old factory in Singapore and claims it is Singapore's first fully licensed indoor farm. At present, the farm has more than ten kinds of vegetables, using special LED lights to illuminate the soil environment. In the next few years, they hope to increase the number of vegetables grown to 30.

It is a New York-based company that uses a number of high-rise buildings to build a rooftop farm. These farms use temperature-controlled hydroponic cultivation to provide ingredients for local restaurants and food retailers. The company's flagship greenhouse was established in 2010 and is the first industrial-scale rooftop greenhouse in the United States that currently produces 100 tons of vegetables per year. The company's high-tech applications on these farms include 60 million solar panels, LED light sources, passive ventilation systems, thermal barriers and more.

Sony Indoor Farm

It is not only Sharp and Panasonic, but also Sony that has entered the high-tech farm field. Sony also built an indoor farm in an old semiconductor factory in Japan that covers 25,000 square feet (2322 square meters) and is illuminated with a special GE LED light source. At present, this farm only grows cucumbers and tomatoes, but in the future, Sony will have farther plans for this farm.

3D Atomization Fireplace

Why choice TONYA water vapour fireplace ?

A real alternative to conventional inserts and traditional fireplaces, 3D cold-flame steam fireplaces have unmatched advantages. In particular, they make it possible to overcome the main constraints of installation, operation and maintenance encountered in fireplaces that use wood or gas.
It is a subtle fusion of three components, namely, ultra-fine water vapor, the light emitted by the RGB LED, and the action of the fan and the heating wire, making it possible to obtain a simulated hand-touchable colored flame.
Ultrasonic waves are produced by "transducers" (or sprayers), which are mechanical waves that will vibrate (silence) water and convert it into ultra-fine water vapor. Under the action of the fan, the heating wire generates a temperature that can be touched by the hand. After heating, the water vapor is radiated into the surrounding air and illuminated by LEDs.
Ultra-fine water vapor (only a few microns) is immediately absorbed by the surrounding air. Water vapor will not condense and will not generate moisture on adjacent walls. This is commonly referred to as dry water vapor.

3D atomization fireplace/ water vapor fireplace/

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